Basic Elements of C Language

Basic Elements of C Language

2 | Basic Elements of C Language

2.0 | Contents :

     1.   Characters
     2.   Keywords
     3.   Identifiers
     4.   Constants
     5.   Data Types
     6.   Escape Sequences

2.1 | Characters :

     Characters used in C language are classified into four types :

  • Letters
  • Digits
  • Special Characters
  • White Spaces

Characters Elements
Letters Uppercase A - Z
Lowercase a - z
Digits 0 to 9
Special Characters ,
question mark
dollar symbol
number sign
less than
greater than
exclamation mark
White Spaces Blank SpaceNew Line
Form FeedHorizontal Tab
Carriage Return

2.2 | Keywords :

     Keywords are standard predefined words to use in C language. The user/programmer can't change its meaning. Keywords are always written in the lower case. Keywords given below are used in C language :

Keywords of C Language
switch for char default
while include nested int
boolean case sizeof do
double void const break
continue go to for if
else float long char
auto static signed volatile
register union short struct

2.3 | Identifiers :

     Names of variables, functions or arrays are called as identifiers. Identifiers are defined by user (for eg.: int a ; here, a is the name of variable of integer data-type defind/written by user/programmer).

     Rules for naming of identifiers :

  • Identifiers are formed with alphabates, digits and only one special character i.e. underscore ( _ ).
  • The first character of an identifier must be an alphabate no matter it is in uppercase or in lowercase.
  • No special characters are usable for identifiers except underscore.
  • White spaces aren't allowed in between the naming of identifiers.
  • Identifiers are case sensitive (i.e. main is different from MAIN).

Valid IdentifiersInvalid Identifiers
app_11app _ 11
App32App 32

2.4 | Constants :

     A constant is a quantity whose value does not change during the execution of C program. There are three types of constants in C language :

  • Numeric Constants
  • Character Constants
  • String Constants

1. Numeric Constants :
     This constant is made up of digits. There are two types of numeric constant :

  • Integer or Fixed Point Constants :
         It is made up of only integer digits i.e there is no decimal point in integer or fixed point constants. Its range is from -32,768 to 32,767. For eg.: -121, 546, etc.

  • Real or Floating Point Constants :
         It consist of any number with one decimal point. For eg.: 54.746

2. Character Constants :
     This type of constants are used to represent an alphabet. Alphabet used for character constant is written in single quotes. For eg.: 'A', 'b', etc.

3. String Constants :
     This type of constants are used to represent a word (i.e. set of characters) in double quotes. For eg.: "Study", "language", etc.

2.5 | Data Types :

     Data-types are used to store various types of data that is processed by the program. Data-type is used with the name of variables, functions or arrays to define there data-types. Data-types used in C language are given below :

Data Type Type of Variable Size
(in bytes)
char Character 1 -128 to 127
unsigned char Unsigned Character 0 to 255
int Integer 2 -32,768 to 32,767
short / short int Short Integer 1
long Long Integer 4 -2,14,74,83,648 to 2,14,74,83,648
unsigned int Unsigned Integer 2 0 to 65,535
unsigned short Unsigned Short Integer 2
unsigned long Unsigned Long Integer 4 0 to 4,29,49,67,295
float Floating Point Digits 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38
double 8 1.7e-308 to 1.7e+308

Note :
          Characters, keywords, identifiers, constants and data-types these all are integral parts of variables in C language. So we read the topic variable in next lesson seperately.

2.6 | Escape Sequences :

Escape Sequences Meaning
\\ \     character
\' '     character
\" "     character
\? ?     character
\a alert OR bell
\b backscape
\f form feed
\n new line
\r carriage return
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\ooo octal number of one to three digits
